Sunday 28 August 2011

Future of writing

I have not written in this blog since a couple of weeks after I had left scotland. But I return to writing, partly because I'm to lazy to create a new blog, but not lazy enough to stop writing all together. If I didn't do this what would I do? Most likely something better with my time like improve my grammer, spelling or any one of my many new and old hobbies that keep me busy and unorganized around the clock. I digress, I continue writing in this blog for the largest part due to my application and admitance of the transfer of my college credits to the University of Edinburgh. Not only are my credits transfered but so am I, so I shall be returning to Scotland in less then a month. I am to report to the visa agency to complete my boimeterics and to hand in my forms on the morrow. The forms being the normal types of forms asking the important types of questions, like have I ever been accused of crimes against humanity, war crimes or genocide? After the visa application has been finished and sent in to be reveiwed I will be reporting to class in the later part of september and hopfully before then I will be finding some where to live inside the city. Then signing up for classes, clubs/ gangs (joking, slightly) and appling for jobs to pay for food and nessesities. I will be writing of what I have done in the past months and what I will be doing in the future months and the fantastical things that accompany thoses things, hopfully reported in a timely manner if not only for my own self satifaction.