Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Marti Gras/ Fat Tuesday

Edinburgh doesn't really celebrate Fat Tuesday or ash wensday due to the not so high concentration of cathlic people and the connection between the holiday and the religon. But not being from the UK and being a student who looks forwad to celebrateing any holiday that he can, desided to have a Fat Tuesday dinner. After much research and surveying of companying members of this shindig, the menu turned out to be an inturpretation of pork sausage jumbo soup, involved corn bread, very nice soda bread brought by a pal and the funniest cake I have ever made a king cake. For the main there was only four of use and I was cooking for six, flatmates and what not. But some had already had other plans for their main course so us few were left with a great deal of food that we very successfully concered.
Other then eating grand amounts of food I was and am still unaware of what intails the celebrations of Marti Gras, other then "partying."  So food was the main focus of the meal and I spent the later part of Tuesday cooking, baking and chopping for the end all. But I did perpar the cake a day before mostly cause I dislike waiting for things to cool. But at any rate I was a fun wonderful night, we watch two good films an old'e and a new'e and I ate far to much.

It was a really good cake that is why there is so many photos of it, also its cool looking.
Fun fact: The king cake is the cake made to celebrate the 12th day of Christmas and so how also became the cake of Marti Gras.

Monday, 20 February 2012

From Brussels with Waffles

Early December i went even more abraod from the Europe home base of Scotland to the not so distant destination of Brussels Belguim. These photos are from that adventure.This is the last brewery left in Brussels, also perhaps the coolest place ever. self guided tour of a small three story building. I got ther when they opened at 9am, I was the only one there and the employees most likly thought I was a heavy drinker but I do not care. I had a great time and learned quite abit about making Lambric.

Where the speecher of the house of Belguim paraliment stands to address the house. I was at the paraliment the day after the Belguim goverment got their new primeminster after not having one for a record breaking over 500 days. I got to watch as he and his family took their first pictures on the steps of paraliment, I was the only non news, goverment or security worker there. It was so cool.

The city Musium called this the little peeing boys American o


Master chocolate maker at work

Grand place

Brussel Christmas fair light display and classical music display. Very very cool.

At Cantillon

The hall of Justice!

Saturday, 11 February 2012


I am back from a long break from writing that was spent studying, stressing, taking exams, visting with family, traveling to the homeland, traveling to the land of chocolate and pissing little boys (Brussels), running new years races in a kilt, having missed timed holiday partys, yelling at my computer while streaming sports to my room while surrounded by Europeans who had mostly have never seen the sport, cooking, workingout, going on brewery tours, competing in curling and along with many other actitivies that for the most part ocuppied my time.
But now I'm back in Scotland at University trying very hard to study in more of an excess to which I had done in the pervous semester, so that I might continue my educational pride to this semester. Although somethings that have to do with financal stuff are just so complicated and boring that sometimes, mind you only sometimes I have problems focusing on the matterial.
But a main difference from last semester is that I am living in a new different and exciting place outside the citys biggest public park. Its on the top floor which I anjoy greatly due to the vue (misspelt on purpose).
Disclaimer I am Dyslexic (Its a learning 'disablility' thats why I sometimes have spelting problems) I tryed to get extry time for my exams through the university office who deals with 'disabled' students last semester in January but I had never heard from them. So when I was in the states for the winter break I went to my high school and got all my  educational papers about my Dyslexia (not someone else, that wouldn't help(jokes)) and set up a new appointment with the same office. When I came to the office with my paper it turned out that had my file on record since the last January when I had my first appointment with them and that I could have had extra time for two exams blocks. But the past is in the present and I am working it all out with the University to get it ''ok''.
There is many things I have to write about about my time off from writing and new socities that I have expressed interest in that have to do with beer. Pictures will be posted and the unfolding of events will be told........