Tuesday 22 November 2011


Halloween one of my favorite holidays, including the candy the movies the time of year and the general high spirtness of people due to the harvest season. Due to Universities and schools in the same trying to make their students lives a living hell have structured that one of my only assignments be due the morning after Halloween. Being a student above the drinking age in this country I would have like to spend the halloween drinking heavly and carrying on as my fellow student peers. So having all the time in the world I got my project done before hand and planned my Halloween day with my mind free of the clapsing fear of failer.
Halloween isn't a big thing to the native UK'ers but is big for the shops of the larger cities. This fun fact is due to the high level of internation North American student and others living in those cities. The supermarkets sell candy, cakes and decor like its going out of fashion. The other stores sell decor and costums in all shapes and form. But the night of Halloween I saw not one child in costum looking for candy or causing misdeeds, I was very disapointed.
My Halloween day plans developed as the day continued. I made plans with friends to have dinner with me before a party in the late night. But sadly my day begain with lectures, tutorials and a viste to the heavly over populated student gym. I did my research on the festive holiday spreads and foods for Halloween meals. After classes I went to the market and got my materials and started cooking. Dinner was a great seccess afterward a pal of mine and myself stumbled across the city to the late night party held by some pals that I lived with last semester. Although their costums in some part were creative the volume of adult drinks they had already consumed might have made their ability to enjoy being the people they had dressed as lower quite abit. It was a fun night and I was able to awake in the morning to hand in my assignment and attend most of my classes.

Scary food for a spooky night
FYI I dressed up like Dr. Watson, victorian vest and victorian like paints. No one at the party got it, I thought it was clear.

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